I need to WTFU (Wake the F* Up)

Yesterday an article was posted on SMH about the ‘Ostrich Pillow’ and it looks like this

Very good for power naps and jetlag it says.

That’s all fine and dandy until a colleague msged me and said “This made me think of you!”

Do I really look that dead at work?

Then within 4 hours, a second person SMSes me just before I’m about to head to sleep “I think you need this”

Really? REaalllyyyy? Do I really look so dead? I suppose Internet people wouldn’t know, but I suppose it’s a yes.

That aside, I actually do think this is quite awesome – if work allowed that is – because POWER NAPS are the best.

During those hard working uni days, 10 minute power naps were the bomb and what kept us going through those stupidly crazy all nighters. It won’t happen where I work, but power nap stations would raise my productivity by about 200%. What a shame. Do you hear me boss? Do you?!

What keeps you alive during the day? Coffee? Tea? Apples? Chocolate? Snacks totally help.

My Eczema and How I Deal With It

It’s Eczema Awareness Week! I didn’t know until I saw it in TheUglyMoment’s post. So to make sure you’re aware, here’s a depressing post about my experiences with eczemaaaa. I kid, a bit of a spoiler but there’s a happy ending and secrets to be revealed. If you cbfed reading this very long post, just skip to the red letters for le secrets, otherwise read on!


I’ve had eczema since I was born, it was a hereditary thing for me and it hasn’t been the same throughout these twenty something years. My childhood was typical, I had eczema primarily behind my knees and behind my elbows. Yes, it was itchy, yes, the rashes were bad but it didn’t stop me from doing what I needed to do – run around like a maniac kid. No probs there!

Growing Up

Then came highschool and I think it started creeping upwards towards my neck and scalp. I remember scratching multiple layers of skin off my neck and it was just a patch of raw flesh and not to mention, it was infected. Grooooosss and incredibly painful. I even remember when the wind blew and I halted, standing there frozen like a dumbass. The sharp pain was similar to what I thought a knife slicing across you might feel like. Not fun. But no worries! I was just given stronger creams as I go.

Giving Up

Then came uni and I went through what I thought might have been months and months but may have only been weeks, I forget, of hell. For whatever reason, my eczema had evolved through my entire body. Spending a few minutes in the sun or even a few minutes of exercise meant feeling like a sea of ants had just invaded my skin and it would be randomly inflamed. There was something seriously wrong and I didn’t know what to do. We tried all sorts of things and unfortunately the only thing I remember is sitting in a bath full of something that resembled piss. Nothing helped and I would cry in my showers while scratching. The scary thing was not knowing whether this would continue for the rest of my life or just a momentary thing, but not being able to be in the sun for more than 5 minutes? Nothing that can cause sweating in any way? I was bloody scared shitless.

Then it just went away. It. Just. Went. Away. You can imagine the jooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyy. So what happened? Fuck knows! Piece of random shit! But that’s eczema for you. It hasn’t come back so far and I pray that it doesn’t.


Now comes the good part, I have found my remedy to keeping my eczema in control! Holy ##)98 #()*$@)(#*$)@!! I mean I no longer regularly get any more rashes and inflammation and it’s only just dry.



Do you see that? That’s not short, that’s LONG.

This means as soon as I see the white part (pictured above), I cut it. Off it goes, motherfucker! And keeping it clean as fuck. I noticed once I started doing this religiously that I wouldn’t be itchy anymore. Huh? But. Well, most likely something to do with the germs and goo that you build up when you have naaaaaails. Those dirty little shits. (In case you missed it, I really hate nails with a passion now). This is my short and long term strategy.

What else what else?! I took Zyrtec, an anti-histamine! Although I no longer have to take these because I’m feeling preeeeeeetty damn good now, but it worked. It generally kicks in an hour or so later and stops the itchiness. So if I know that I’ll be going to the beach and may get sunburnt, then I better have this ready.

And and and? Diprosone.

Goddamn Diprosone, damn, I love you man! My bff. Yeah alright, it’s a prescribed medicine from le doctor but it’s the best prescribed cream ever. HOWEVER, it is a topical corticosteroid and it’s one of the stronger ones so I use it sparingly and only apply a thin layer because… well, it willdamage or thin your skin permanently if you use too much. And I won’t ever use it on my face or neck. Still, it works like magic and nothing else beats it. I use diprosone whenever I start getting itchy patches and putting it on at night meant getting rid of it by morning. Case in point –

Left Arm | Right Arm

I took this picture today – may need to click on it for a closer look. Had a little bit of eczema few days ago because I didn’t cut my nails, on both arms and it’s almost gone. Right arm was predominantly worse than the left arm so I used diprosone.  SEE HOW IT’S CLEARED compared to the left arm? HELL YEAH.

It’s a strong cream, so should be the last resort after all the other ones – celestone, elocon etc.

The only thing I’m missing in my awesome formula is a body lotion for my dryness.

Besides what I went through in uni, I would say my eczema has been mild to moderate considering where and how much of it I get. Now I would classify it as very mild. Eczema is now my least problematic disease because I know how to control it. I really do believe everyone can find something that works, just have to keep looking. :]

If by any chance my methods work on you, then please please tell me. I might even shed a tear because it’s such a life changing thing. Shit’s serious yo.